Tuesday, February 24, 2009

The No Whine Watch

We have a whiner at our house.

We will protect the guilty and not name names.

We have been working on the behavior

I had heard a broadcast on Family Life a while back about a "No Whine Watch" and we feel that we are at the point of needing some extra help, so off to Family Life's website I went to order this new gadget...

I had to laugh when I saw it...bright yellow with the "No Whine" logo engraved on it. I wondered for a moment if making the child wear this would be more scarring than being known as a whiner?? I think we will limit the wearing of this watch to home.

But order it, I did.

...along with the parenting manual about helping whiny children (surely, it is not our parenting??).

Truth be told, some days I should have this loud, yellow watch on my wrist as a reminder to stop my whining...

I suppose I will learn a thing or two as I teach this child about whining. Parenting is so good for me!


Marie Stork said...

I almost bought that same gadget for one of ours and as the years have progressed here I so wish I had!! So I will be prayerful for you and your precious one. I agree with the fact that somedays this parents needs to wear one also. Yesterday was one of those days...the kids came home from school and everything was not going as I wanted and when Mike came home he just looked at me and said "Dont' whine" about it all. Made me think "What did I just do to him? He's been gone all day...and this is what he comes home to?" Shame on me! I have it on my heart to do better today.

Alesa said...

That is hysterical! I'm sure my mom would have made us wear the watch, had it been around when we were kids :)

megs @ whadusay said...

Interesting - you'll have to let us know if it works!

Jami said...

Oh I'm very interested in hearing how this works - and learning from you! Not that we have any whiners in our perfect little household - oh no! :) (just kidding of course)

Kristy said...

We could deffinately use a couple of those in our house!! Let me know if it works!! Do they come in adult sizes?? :)

I don't know how I've never come across your blog before?? It'll be good to 'keep up' with you guys now! I know I keep saying this, but we've got to get together sometime...we miss you guys!

Tami said...

I think I should buy one for myself! :)

Holli said...

HELLO! I didn't know you had a blog and I am so glad that I am bored (avoiding house work) and I am going through other peoples blogrolls!
I need this WATCH! (for my 2 whines and ME!)
So glad to have found you and "see" your family!